Work in progress. Vector illustration for an interactive childrens book.

Another page in progress

Handrawn and then vectorized illustration for a children's postcard

Backdrop for a Western style Children's postcard

Vector backdrops for a game/ educational tool FFX developed for a big insurance company (VGZ)

Concept art for a game FFX created for non-profit otganisation Milieu Defensie (Defenders of the Environment)called Veestapelen, loosely translated 'Stacking Cattle' A humourous take on Tetris. Stack as much cattle as you can and then stuff them in a giant barn. Game concept by FFX.
Play the game:

A series of cute and recognisable vector characters I'm currently working on.

For the online 'green tool' Treemagotchi (that FFX helped to develope, also conceptual) I created this little guy, a gnome with a hat made of leaves. He was your personal guide in the tool and he could be dresses up in countless outfits and play with all kinds of toys. The poses above are all stills from the forty-plus intetractive animations that he possesed. This little guy turned out to be one of FFX most advanced and complex realisations back then. Sadly the tool has changed to a more dry website envirement, so the gnome is no longer.

Concept art for the Flash game 'Monkey Fu' Wide spread and well loved platformer on the web. This game was financed by Jetix, but FFX was allowed to develop a game without any guidelines whatsoever. It turned out to be a big hit.
Find out more in the games section of my portfolio.

More Monkey Fu concept art

Flash illustration. Introduction screen for an educational game about the gorverning of a provence called Groningen, Holland

Various elements from the Koning van Groning game. All of them in a slighly off isometric perspective. Most of these elements were animated as well. The factory above actually blew up, leaving a bunch of burning people inside for the player to extinguish...
